保物セミナー in 若狭トップへ


Richard V Osborne

Dr. Richard osbone retired last year from Atomic Energy of Canada T Linited, the Canadian nuclear R&D organization. He started in AECLI Health Physics Branch in1963, moved to be Head of Enviromenta1 Rescarch in 1981 and, after serving as Exccutive Assistant to the President of AECL Research i 1988 and 1989, became Director of Health and Environmenta1 Sdences Division, the Position from which he retired. He has been involved in many national and international activities in the radiation protection field, some of which still continue; most notably that with the lnternational Commission on
Radiological Protection.

Dr. 0sborne led the AECL program on tritium health physics during the 1960's and 1970's. Produced in thc heavy water coolant and moderator of Canadian reactols, tritium was recognized by the latc 1950's; as a potential hazard but there were uncertainties about its biological behavior. Also, because of the very low energy of its emitted radiation, lts detection in the workplace and in thc Public environment were difficult. During the 1960's and 1970's many of these uncertainties were resolved and detection was greatly improved,ln this presentation Dr. 0sborne will describe the R&D related to tritium during this
period, both its successes and its failures, and will look at the advances that have occurred in the two decades since then.